英國劍橋遊學團-Welcome to River Cam
     徐志摩---人間四月天 再別康橋 拍片地點 多麼詩情畫意啊 ! 來一趟,包你永生難忘喔 !!
 pic-cambridge-london-047-boat-cover.jpg (163542 個位元組)pic-cambridge-riverguide-001.jpg (198110 個位元組)pic-cambridge-riverguide-003.jpg (148921 個位元組)pic-cambridge-riverguide-008-londonbridge.jpg (132805 個位元組)pic2-3c14.jpg (38403 個位元組)
pic-cambridge-riverguide-02.jpg (79164 個位元組)   For centuries the Mill Pool here was the scene of frantic commercial activity. Today this part of the river is reserved for punts, rowing-boats and canoes. You can pole your own hired punt or have a "chauffeur". Join our Cambridge Study tour. It will be unforgettable!! 
pic-cambridge-street-003.jpg (66318 個位元組) 回沙士比亞故鄉&溫莎古堡 回首頁 莎士比亞故鄉&溫莎古堡