一. 在機場----出境、訂位、行李
1.我要確認一下我的訂位。 I want to confirm my reservation.
Is this the counter for Cathay Pacific
4.這班飛機會準時起飛嗎? Will the flight leave on time?
5.九號登機門在那裡? Where is Gate 9?
6.我要在那裡換機去洛杉機? Where must I go to transfer to Los Angeles?
7.行李超重費是多少? What is the excess baggage charge?
8.什麼時候起飛? What time does it leave?
9.我要取消訂位。 I want to cancel my reservation.
10.你可不可以替我找同一天的 Could you find me another same day flight?
11.我可以換另一天的班機嗎? Could I change my flight to a different day?
12.會延誤多久? How long will it be delayed?
13.我要帶回台灣的。 I'm taking it to Taiwan.
二. 飛機上
14.我的手提行李應該擺在那裡? Where can I put my hand baggage?
15.請給我耳機。 Please bring me earphones.
16.我們要在這兒停留多久? How long will we stay here?
17.我的行李可以留在這裡嗎? May I leave my baggage here?
18.我要如何打開收音機呢? How can I turn on the radio?
19.紐約現在是幾點? What's the time in New York?
20.我想把我的錶撥為當地的時間?I want to set my watch to local
21.能給我雜誌嗎? Can I have some magazines?
22.我覺得不舒服。 I feel sick.
23.可以給我一些冰水嗎? May I have some ice water?
24.幾點供應晚餐? What time is supper served?
25.過境要停多久? How long is the stop-over?
26.我什麼時候再上飛機? What time do I reboard the plane?
27.我可以聽中文的電影嗎? Can I listen to the film in Chinese?
28.這耳機不太對勁。 The earphones aren't working properly.
29.紐約那邊的氣候怎麼樣? What's the weather like in New York?
30.有沒有中文報紙? Do you have Chinese newspapers?
三. 抵達目的地時---入境、海關、行李
31.請出示您的黃皮書給我。 Please show me your vaccination card.
32.這是送給朋友的禮物。 This is a gift for my friends.
33.這是我自己要用的。 It is for my own use.
34.你不能把水果帶進這個國家。 You can't bring any fruit into the country.
35.我來這兒做商務考察。 I'm here for business.
36.我來這兒參加會議。 I'm here to attend a conference.
37.請小心那個,它很容易碎。 Be careful with that, it's breakable.
38.你必須要付這個稅。 You must pay duty on this.
39.我去那裡拿我的行李? Where can I get my baggage?
40.這是我的領物牌。 Here is my claim tag.
41.我丟了一件行李。 One of my bags is missing.
42.請講慢一點。 Please speak more slowly.
43.我是團體旅行。 I'm with a group tour.
44.我的行李還沒有到達。 My bags haven't arrived.
45.對不起,我在那裡可以找到行 Excuse me, where can I get a porter?
46.您可以幫我拿行李嗎? Can you help me with my bags?
47.您可以幫我叫輛車嗎? Can you call me a cab?
49.我只是過境而已。 I'm only passing through.
50.我正試著在找家郵局。 I'm trying to find a post office.
51.我需要搭公車嗎? Should I take the bus?
52.用走的,會不會很遠? Is it too far to walk?
53.中途有沒有任何路標? Are there any landmarks on the way?
54.我需要右轉嗎? Do I have to turn right?
55.我必須直走嗎? Should I go straight?
56.我需要在那個拐角轉彎? At which corner do I have to turn?
57.離這兒有多遠? How far is it from here?
58.我迷路了。 I got lost.
59.我在這兒是個陌生人。 I am a stranger here.
60.到希爾頓飯店,那條路最快? What's the quickest way to the Hilton Hotel?
61.坐計程車去那兒要多少錢? How much is it by taxi?
62.請您告訴我,計程車招呼站在 Can you tell me where the taxi stand is?
63.你能畫張地圖給我嗎? Could you draw me a map?
64.我現在在那裡? Where am I now?
65.我可不可以從車站走到那裡? Can I walk there from the station?
66.最近的購物中心在那裡? Where is the nearest shopping center?
67.這是到地下鐵車站正確的路嗎? Is this the right way to the subway?
68.這是搭往市區公車的地方嗎? Is this where I get the downtown bus?
69.這條路通往海邊嗎? Does this street go to the beach?
70.請問洗手間在那裡? Where is the restroom?
71.我們該走那個方向? Which way should we go?
72.我要過馬路嗎? Do I have to cross the street?
73.要走幾個紅綠燈才轉彎? How many stop lights until I turn?
74.請您載我到這個地方好嗎? Could you please take me to this place?
75.請到白雪夜總會。 To the Snow-White nightclub, please.
76.請在這兒等我一下。 Please wait a moment for me.
77. 請快一點。 Hurry up, please.
78. 請在這兒停車。 Stop here please.
79.這是快車嗎? Is it an express?
80.有沒有其他開往紐約的火車? Is there another train for New York?
81.我要一張單程車票。 I'd like a one-way ticket.
82.我可以退票嗎? Can I cancel this ticket?
83.這火車在洛杉機停不停? Does the train stop in Los Angeles?
84.我可以在中途下車嗎? Can I lay over on the way?
85.下一站是什麼地方? What is the next station?
86.我的車票掉了,怎麼辦? I have lost my ticket. What shall I do?
87.我忘了把行李帶下車。 I have left my bags on the train.
88.到華盛頓的車費要多少? What is the fare to Washington D.C.?
89.總共多少錢? What's the total amount?
90.我要在下一站下車。 I want to get off at the next stop.
91.去動物園要坐那班車? What bus should I take to the zoo?
92.請給我路線圖和時刻表好嗎? Could I have a route map and a timetable?