¡@¡@ Taiwan Steel-Sculptor

¡@¡@Liu Ting-Tsuan developed a strong attraction to stone work when he helped the construction of Nan Hui Rail. In the beginning, he was interested in stone-sculpture. He learned much from Chang Ching, the wood-sculptor, and Hsu Li-Hsien, the stone-sculptor. These experiences enriched Mr. Liu's skills and perspective. From then on, the master sculptor, Liu Ting-Tsuan, has worked in the art of steel sculpture for more than ten years. Since he was a mechanic, these two teachers, Chang Ching and Hsu Li-Hsien, suggested that he perform Kaohsiung characteristics in steel, the traditional industry. In 1998, his delicate works were well known, and he made a slogan "Hua Lien stone, Miao Li tree, Taipei ware and Kaohsiung steel".
¡@¡@Steel was used for making tools and vehicles, as well as the large products of the industrial city. Mr. Liu made several life-like steel-sculptures, making different impressions in cold steel. Then, his works were presented in an exhibition where people could interact with his art.
¡@¡@Steel has always been a part of Kaohsiung character as well as a thing of pride for the city. Liu Ting- Tsuan has made many creative works using this material. More than ten years of experience and passion using steel have made Liu Ting- Tsuan's sculptures both beautiful and smooth. With his background in mechanics and steel sculpture, it was only a matter of time before he hit the top.

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